Tuesday, December 09, 2003

OK, here's the deal.

I've been neglecting this blog quite a bit lately as I finish up other Stomp Tokyo-related tasks. It occurs to me that this might be a good place to put notes to myself, record the progress of various projects, and maybe give folks a peek into the "behind-the-scenes" workings of the site and its various tentacles. You know, if you're interested in that sort of thing.

So, in addition to being a video blog, this will also be a record of the life and times of the little company called Stomp Tokyo. Such as it is.

Right now I'm frantically trying to finish up the layout on the third issue of B-Movies Quarterly so I can mail it out tomorrow for the December 11th printing deadline. (It was supposed to be done two weeks ago, but things got away from me.) And while that's going on, we're also finishing up a review of Bio-Zombie and beginning our review of Django Strikes Back for the newest B-Masters' roundtable review. For which, by the way, I'm supposed to be constructing the super-soaker.

With any luck, though, Bio Zombie should go up late tonight or tomorrow morning, and BMQ will go out the door with tomorrow's post.


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