Friday, November 21, 2003


Well, things came to an end for Rupert last night as he was booted from the Pearl Islands. I'm guessing the emotional and mental strain of playing the game, added to the physical strain of being the main breadwinner of the group, really pounded him those last couple of days and he lost sight of what was going on with his tribemates. Of course, that doesn't account for what Sandra and Christa must have been thinking -- especially Sandra's weird toss-out vote for Jon -- but then, I never figured either one as a brain trust anyway.

The next big target -- if the remaining tribe members have any sense at all -- will be Burton. If he plans to fill in where Rupert left off as fisher-dude, he's going to have to spend a lot of time away from the tribe, which leaves a lot of time for the other tribe members to figure out that he's threat number one. Hopefully he'll goof up on an immunity challenge.


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