Wednesday, February 11, 2004

If only we didn't have to sleep.

I've been meaning to get an entry up about my weekend with Scarlett Johansson (I saw Lost in Translation and Girl With a Pearl Earring more or less back-to-back), but my time has been swallowed by the pledge drive at the BMMB, a review of The Returner we've been working on, and the coordination of a server move for both Attack of the 50 Foot DVD and Bad Movie Planet.

Oh, yeah, and the fact that our Windows guy has been out all week tending to a hospitalized child, which means I've inherited all of his trouble tickets. (I can't possibly begrudge him the time away from work, but I'll be grateful to return exclusively to my own duties.) My eyes have been opened to the dangers of spyware and adware, which are virtually non-existent on the computers I use, but seem to proliferate almost spontaneously on Windows boxes. Even when I scanned the occasionally-used Windows PC at home with Spybot and Ad-Aware, I found dozens of the darn things. They're like leeches, attaching themselves to the electronic underbelly of the infernal Microsoft uni-tasker that takes up space in my home office. (I use it almost exclusively to print postage, though as of late I have discovered the joy of vintage video game console emulators.)

So Scarlett will have to wait, as will a permanent home for the B-Fest recap below. But good things are happening all around, if you know where to look.


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