Monday, March 27, 2006

Cult Movies Podcast - new name, new episodes

picIt's been a while since I've mentioned the Cult Movies Podcast, and in that time we have not only released new episodes but also renamed the show as well. Scott didn't like how generic "The Cult Movies Podcast" was, so now we reveal - ta da! - Stomp Tokyo: The Cult Movies Podcast. Big effin' deal, I know, but at least this takes slightly more advantage of what little brand we've built around the Stomp Tokyo name.

At any rate, I haven't mentioned the show here on the blog since episode 14, so here's a quick recap of the episodes that have been released since.

Episode 15 - Zack Handlen joins us for a discussion of the future plans Hollywood has for beloved '80s slasher franchises.

Episode 16 - Zack's back as we talk about foreign directors making good (or not) in Hollywood.

Episode 17 - I interview Marty Baumann, creator of the Astounding B-Monster.

Episode 18 - Chris Magyar chimes in from a coffee shop in California, and I boast of all the movies I saw at SxSW. Unfortunately, very few of them have any cult appeal. Ah well, at least Slither was pretty good.

Episode 19 - Our first guest nerd of the female persuasion, Amy Morrison, joins us in the virtual studio. Amy provides moral support as we wade through the mess that is Entertainment Weekly's list of the 25 Worst Sequels Ever. What a bunch of wimps.

One more thing: I've been helping the staff of the Austin Film Festival to create their own podcast. If you're into filmmaking or just want to hear celebrity writers and directors talk about the movies they've made, check out the AFF Podcast, currently broadcasting its third episode with a fourth on the way. Not only does AFF have a huge backlog of recorded material from previous festivals, they also have some pretty cool interviews lined up for the near future. Stay tuned.


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