Monday, June 02, 2003

HBO and Pixar

Six Feet Under - Wha...? The season just started! It can't be over already! Dagnabbit. At least we got some resolution on the Lisa question.

After a season of relatively few interaction-with-the-dead scenes, Claire's cemetery visit was liberating -- a return to the things that made this show so great in the beginning. Claire's story arc has been the most rewarding this season, although it's nice to see Brenda in a place of some stability as well. (Which just begs the question -- who introduces a new love interest in the season finale?)

Finding Nemo - Pixar does it again, although they particularly win a place in my heart with the inclusion of Allison Janney in the cast. And who was that doing the incredible imitation of Sean Penn's surfer dude? Why, screenwriter/director Andrew Stanton. Cool.

Scott tells me that Pixar's stock traditionally dips after an opening weekend, which defies all logic, but perhaps the fact that Nemo's opening weekend was the best ever for an animated film (a little over $70 million) will prevent that this time.