Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Ciao, Blogger

Looking for the latest entries on Blue Glow? They're here:

Google announced recently that they will cease support for publishing from blogger to web hosts via FTP. Unfortunately that's exactly how Blue Glow is published (as well as a number of other projects I've set up over the years), so it's time to say goodby to Blogger and hello (again) to WordPress. I'm not exactly thrilled with the idea of having to keep up with (and harden against hacking) yet more WordPress installs but it is by far the best solution at this time, so the posts on this blog have been migrated to a new home.

Ciao, Blogger. It's been fun.


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Thursday, April 01, 2010

B-Side acquired by Stella Artois

StellaIf you're reading this it's almost certainly because you're interested in the film industry – in particular film festivals – and you clicked on a Twitter link with the headline above. I'm not even going to pretend that it's anything but a lame April Fool's Day gag, and one that I thought of in the evening hours of the day in question, so you may even be reading this on April 2nd.

However, if you do know anything about film festivals, you probably also know about the ridiculously ubiquitous alcohol sponsorship that Stella provides to film festivals large and small. Heck, they're even sending some lucky schmuck to Cannes. So you probably appreciate the inside-baseball nature of the joke, and you probably recognized it instantly as a put-on – though you might have hesitated just a second. If Stella really wanted to own the film festival market, wouldn't taking over Festival Genius be a pretty good way to start?

I'm sorry I don't have any actual news regarding the future of Festival Genius just yet, but be patient. There should be something soon. Until then, please enjoy being Rickrolled.
