Friday, August 28, 2009

New version of Things - Finally!

picI've been waiting for a new version of to-do manager Things for a while now; though I love the look & feel of Things and especially the iPhone sync support, it drives me a little nuts that the performance was so wonky. The application would hang a bit and become unresponsive from the main window (though I could always quit from the dock menu), and the window would sometimes turn completely blank (white).

Hopefully all of these things have been fixed with the new release of Things 1.2. We'll see.

There have been some complaints that Things doesn't properly integrate with the "Getting Things Done" style of working – in other words, it doesn't really let you create prioritized lists of tasks within a project and then display the "next" items on those lists, but I think it's headed that direction. I've been tempted in the past to move to something simpler like TaskPaper, but for now I'm going to stick with Things.

(As an aside, TaskPaper has evolved remarkably in the last year or so. Watching the screencast makes me realize that it is becoming an ever-more powerful application and might soon become a contender if Things' performance doesn't shape up.)



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