'Torchwood' cut down for third season?

Despite bringing in some of BBC's best ratings in 2008, Doctor Who spinoff Torchwood will receive an abbreviated series for its third year. From Digital Spy:
Executive producer Julie Gardner told TV Guide: "We've decided to do a five-part mini-series, one big story that will run during one week. I wanted to make a really big noise about the show."
Gardner, who confirmed that John Barrowman will be back as Captain Jack, remained coy about any additions to the cast following the death of two regular characters in the second season finale. However, she said that fans of the show "will be pleased with the casting."
Read the full story at Digital Spy.
Update: two other quick bits of Doctor Who news - Steven Moffat (the series' best writer currently working) to take over as showrunner in 2010, and David Tennant dates his "daughter" -- who is also Peter Davison's real daughter. Holy incestuous paradoxes Batman!
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