Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Best reason to use NetNewsWire ever

My schedule hasn't allowed me to do much casual blog-surfing lately; I've been restricted to hitting Daring Fireball about once a day and reading 2 or 3 of the more important industry news blogs at work. The authors of my varied RSS feeds, meanwhile, have been dutifully pumping information and entertainment into the blogosphere, which NetNewsWire collects for me.

The difference between NetNewsWire and a reader like Bloglines or Google Reader, however, is that NetNewsWire keeps all that info cached on my laptop. (NNW syncs with NewsGator, so if I want to read on the web or on my iPhone, I can do that too.) When I'm thirty thousand feet in the air and completely cut off from the net, I can still catch up on my blog reading. And since I'm out of phone and email range, I really don't have anything better to do. Sheer bliss.



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