Tuesday, November 06, 2007

WGA Strike is here to save me from myself


The screenwriters strike is here, and I can't say I'm too broken up about it. We're just a wee bit TV addicted here at Stomp Tokyo HQ (Austin branch), so maybe the break from TV (which looks like it'll come right around Christmas or so) will let us get a few things done besides feed our eyeballs. There are obviously serious issues at stake here and there's a lot more than my personal productivity to consider, but on the most personal, selfish level I'm looking forward to the break from the Tivo onslaught. Perhaps I'll even remove a season pass or two, though I imagine my wife and I would have to fight over which ones would get the axe.

On a related note, it looks like Heroes: Origins has been put down, at least for now. Given the way this season of the flagship show has been going, I'm not sure that's a bad thing. It seems to be suffering some sophomore year loss-of-direction problems, but here's hoping the writers come back from the strike with some fresh ideas.



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