MGM Midnite Movie madness continues

Among the discs coming out: a Yongary/Konga double-feature -- finally, a version of Yongary that (probably) won't look like crap. The "public domain" version released by Alpha is pretty washed-out so I'm hopeful that the print used for this disc is clean and bright. See some of those washed-out screen caps on the Stomp Tokyo review of Yongary.
Also on tap: The Phantom from 10,000 Leagues with The Beast with 1,000,000 Eyes, some great Vincent Price stuff, and a brilliant Roger Corman collection. I'll probably write all these up individually for Film Buff Stuff but it was just too good not to share here.
Thanks to Ken Begg for pointing these out.
Labels: movies
You're welcome.
The Midnite Movie line was clogged up after Sony bought the MGM film library; it's great to see them back in action. And what a slew of titles? Not only haven't I seen most of them, I haven't heard of several of them. I'm especially amped up about Gorilla at Large.
As well, there's the Icons of Horror Sam Katzman collection (!) with Giant Claw coming out, and the two Universal horror / sci-fi sets coming from Best Buy, each offering five movies for about $20.
Good times. Now to just figure out a way to watch all this stuff.
I just got mine shipped to me. Yongary is a particularly fine print transfer. Of course original format 2.35:1.
Got a deal off ebay, new/sealed for 1.99. Got me w/ shipping though, 7.99. (to my home here in Tokyo (as yet, unstomped for quite some time ;)
Keep up the fine work.
Fellow large monster lover and filmmaker
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