Monday, January 22, 2007

Fun with the blogosphere

Snarkblogger#1. The only word dumber than "blog" is "blogosphere." OK, and maybe "blogroll."

#2. I regularly use web searches to find out when other people write about key phrases like "ultraman" and "B-Fest." In the case of B-Fest, I came upon this – which immediately made me think about this.

Silly blogger, B-Fest isn't about proving one's superiority to the movies. It's about your friends making Dr. Pepper snort out of your nose at 4:30 in the morning while two hundred strangers sit around you in the dark. (I hasten to add that I'm not criticizing Jason's position. I just don't share it.)

Just four days left.

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Blogger Dr. Freex said...

Well, come on, lookit the guy's pic: with that style of eyeglass frame, he is the poster child for emo; he feels the movies' pain!

That said, your comment about Dr. Pepper in the sinuses at 4:30 am is spot on.

4:34 PM  
Blogger Jason said...

I don't even know what 'emo' is. Seriously, what the hell is emo? The first time I heard that term, I immediately thought of Emo Phillips and was briefly thrilled at the idea that there was a musical genre inspired by him. Then I found out that this is not, in fact, the case.

2:03 PM  

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