Toronto After Dark Film Festival - October 20-24

Check out their full schedule now online including Retribution, Shinobi, Night of the Living Dorks, and one of my personal favorites, Special (also playing the Austin Film Festival). Plus, the additional burn in my personal craw is the fact that they're playing Funky Forest, the film I missed in favor of the surprise screening of Apocalypto at Fantastic Fest. Don't make the mistake I made - go see Funky Forest regardless of what's playing opposite. Fortunately it looks like you won't have to make that choice, as it appears from the program guide that there's only the one screen at TAD. Good choice.
If you have to live outside of Los Angeles or New York – and let's face it, most of us do – then there are few places as good as Toronto for a film scene. (Fortunately for me, Austin is one of them.) Toronto After Dark is a solid addition to the ever-growing annual film festival roster.
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