pretty. For those of you who don't dig white or silver, Apple's
new Intel-based consumer-level laptops (eliminating the old PowerPC chip set from everything but the now dinosaur-like desktop PowerMacs) come in white and black, just like the iPods that have sold so well. The only thing I don't like about these is the name "Macbook" - would it have been so difficult to continue calling them Powerbooks and iBooks?
With displays that only come in 13" wide screen, I'll have to see how they compare to my current iBook before I decide between a Macbook and a Macbook Pro. The iBook on which I type this is less than a year old, though, so it'll be a while before I need to upgrade. Still:
soooo pretty. . . .
I suspect *I* will need to upgrade sooner than that.
Mmm. Drool.
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