Monday, November 07, 2005

B-Fest 2006 - see you in the aisles?

B-Fest I'm a wee bit late reporting this, but the A&O Productions group released ticket sales and price info for B-Fest 2006. (Full disclosure: I maintain the official web site for B-Fest.) B-Fest, for those of you who stumbled across this blog while drunk or bored, is the annual 24-hour marathon of b-movies held each year at Northwestern University.

This year information about tickets has been highly anticipated, mostly because B-Fest 2005 sold out in an unprecedented two days. The speculation has been that A&O would raise ticket prices in response – a fairly sensible market reaction to increased demand – and so it didn't come as much of a surprise when the cost of a ticket shot up from $20 (where it had held steady for some years) to $35 for general admission. Student tickets, which will be closely monitored for abuse, remain at the $20 price point.

Ken, high priest of Jabootu, has more in-depth analysis of the situation on his blog. I expect tickets to sell out in as short a time span as last year but I think the die-hard B-Fest fans will keep a closer watch on the situation. The higher price point means there will be fewer casual attendees but also fewer devotees who will be shut out. We hope.


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